Negociando Tratados de Inversión y Comercio bajo un régimen de Dolarización



Ecuador’s economic situation is not only not improving, but it’s sensibly deteriorating as the current government’s policies move forward, just a bit over two years after being elected. In its desperation to offer a solution to such a situation, the current government has gone back to measures that were considered to be part of Ecuador’s economic past, such as rescue loans from the IMF, or applying anti-cyclical austerity measures such as reducing the size of the state and firing public workers; when the real problem is the lack of understanding and technical expertise of the current government officers, specifically about managing a dollarized economy. Now the discussions have turned towards free trade and investment agreements, as if that was the missing piece of the puzzle. This work will demonstrate why a regular Trade and Investment agreement would not be the cornucopia promised by the government, indeed it would be quite the opposite; as well as offering a constructive solution regarding how a dollarized should negotiate this kind of agreements.

Author Biographies

Emilio Calle Cely

Master in applied econocics of Johns Hopkins universitaria, Fundación para la productividad, la transformación y el desarrollo del Ecuador;


Fernando Xavier Calle Wong

Master en Gobierno y gestión pública. Master en proyectos. Director de la Maestría en Administración Pública y docente investigador de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil; Director Nacional de Planificación, procesos y calidad de la Superintendencia de Compañías, valores y Seguros, Guayaquil - Ecuador. Email:;


José Rafael Díaz Avelino, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte

Master en Administración de Empresas. Docente en Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, Facultad de Administración, Carrera de Administración de Empresas; Especialista de Investigación y Estudios en la Superintendencia de Compañías, Valores y Seguros, Guayaquil, Ecuador. E-mail;




How to Cite

Calle Cely, E. ., Calle Wong, F. X., & Díaz Avelino, J. R. . (2022). Negociando Tratados de Inversión y Comercio bajo un régimen de Dolarización. X-Pedientes Económicos, 6(16), 203–213. Retrieved from

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