Impacto financiero del sector enseñanza en entidades con fines de lucro orientado hacia las estrategias durante la emergencia sanitaria, periodo: 2019 al 2020


  • Shirley Kerly Merizalde Chávez
  • Joselin Denise Pineda Gamboa


Covid-19, financial impact, education, health emergency.


This research contributes to the understanding of the financial impact on the for-profit education sector and its strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the study is to analyze the financial situation of for-profit educational entities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the strategies applied for their continuity. It is worth mentioning that this is a non-experimental research with a mixed-method approach, as it involved analyzing the financial statements of these entities, as well as conducting surveys and interviews. The results revealed that some of these entities lack operational, technological, and marketing strategies, as well as the processes for conducting financial evaluations, which puts them in a vulnerable position to take appropriate corrective measures during times of risk. Furthermore, the financial analysis showed that for-profit entities in this sector significantly decreased their revenues during the study period. Firstly, this decline in revenue is due to a reduction in the number of enrolled students, and secondly, it is a result of the effects of government measures implemented during the health emergency, such as new contract modalities, reduced working hours, and consequently lower salaries, and increased unemployment. Finally, the strategies considered to counteract the losses faced during COVID-19 included cost-cutting, the application of discounts, and the transition to online classes, which were crucial for the survival of for-profit educational institutions.

Author Biographies

Shirley Kerly Merizalde Chávez

Ingeniera en Auditoría y Contaduría Pública Autorizada.

Joselin Denise Pineda Gamboa

Ingeniera en Auditoría y Contaduría Pública Autorizada.



How to Cite

Merizalde Chávez, S. K., & Pineda Gamboa, J. D. (2023). Impacto financiero del sector enseñanza en entidades con fines de lucro orientado hacia las estrategias durante la emergencia sanitaria, periodo: 2019 al 2020. X-Pedientes Económicos, 7(18), 42–66. Retrieved from